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Specialist family violence courts

MCV has a number of specialist family violence courts that provide services specialising in family violence matters. 

The Specialist Family Violence Courts (SFVCs) are committed to creating an accessible system where affected family members feel physically, emotionally and culturally safe.

The Courts are located at 13 locations across Victoria, including:

  • Ballarat
  • Bendigo
  • Broadmeadows
  • Dandenong
  • Frankston
  • Heidelberg
  • Geelong
  • La Trobe
  • Melbourne
  • Moorabbin
  • Ringwood
  • Shepparton
  • Sunshine

The SFVCs are designed to support the safety and wellbeing of people affected by family violence and increase the accountability of people who have used violence against family members. All magistrates, registry and practitioners, engaged by the SFVCs are trained and specialise in family violence matters.

SFVCs can hear intervention order cases alongside other matters, including applications, pleas in criminal cases, family law parenting matters, and victims of crime applications related to family violence. 

The SFVCs have:

  • family violence registrars, who coordinate the listing of matters and work to ensure they are heard in a timely manner;
  • specially trained family violence and practitioners who provide non-legal advice and support. Practitioners can provide referrals to community support agencies to ensure people have the support they need outside of court. They also complete risk assessments, develop safety plans, and provide information. Umalek Balit is a culturally safe, non-legal support program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families who attend Court for family violence proceedings; and
  • a collaborative response with police prosecutors, community-based specialist family violence services and lawyers with family violence training. 

A number of SFVCs include additional safety features to provide a safer environment such as separate entrances, safe waiting areas, remote witness technology and private interview rooms.

The MCV Service Centre responds to (FVIO) enquiries. The development of the online application for a Family Violence Intervention Order also provides greater accessibility for affected family members seeking to apply for an FVIO. 

Last updated on 23 May 2024
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