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Statement from Chief Magistrate Peter Lauritsen I have read the article appearing in the Herald Sun today regarding Magistrate Rozencwajg. I have complete confidence in the quality and competence of…
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Statement from Chief Magistrate Peter Lauritsen I wish to congratulate Her Honour Judge Lisa Hannan on her appointment as the next Chief Magistrate. Judge Hannan is a respected judicial officer and…
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Statement from Chief Magistrate There has been controversy in some sections of the media this week about the sentence imposed on Mr James Haberfield on Wednesday. I have caused a version of the…
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On 29 January 2019, the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria commenced a pilot of the use of bar table phones at Frankston (courtrooms one, two and five) and Latrobe Valley (courtrooms one, two and three…
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Members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community experiencing family violence will soon be able to access specialised support with Shepparton Magistrates’ Court announced as the next…
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On Monday 21 May, the Dandenong Drug Court team hosted an event to hand over a piece of exceptional artwork to Motorcyclists Advocating Child Empowerment (MACE).  The artwork was by Dandenong Drug…
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It's been a busy two years for the Melbourne Drug Court. There have been: 288 referrals accepted 211 assessments for suitability 12 graduations, with three more to successfully graduate before May…
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Members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community experiencing family violence can now access specialised support with the launch of new Magistrates’ Court Victoria services at Mildura…
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The Neighbourhood Justice Centre (NJC) is providing clients with alcohol and other drugs dependency with a relapse prevention app to help cope with cravings, avoid risky situations, and stay focused…
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Victoria’s deputy chief magistrate says she’s never seen reciprocated respect as strong as Warrnambool’s Koori Court system. Jelena Popovic was a special guest at the 15-year anniversary of the…
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