Outcome evaluation of five Victorian Drug Courts. This report is an important contribution to the therapeutic justice evidence-base and presents a positive assessment of the value of investing in…
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Annual report published by the Magistrates' Court of Victoria for the financial year 2023-2024.
Download the MCV calendar including details of court non-sitting days.
Evaluation of the impact of the MCV Service Centre on:
- relieving workload pressure from court venues; and
- supporting public and professional court users with timely access…
Summary of the independent evaluation of the Remote Hearing Support Service with MCV’s response.
Summary of the independent evaluation conducted by Swinburne University of the MCV family violence reforms with MCV’s response.
This document provides guidance on how Drug Court operates.
This policy governs how MCV manages feedback and complaints about the court's staff, processes, procedures or facilities.
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Postcodes and suburbs covered by the Drug Court in the
Magistrates' Court of Victoria.